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Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Amazing DanShenPlus(DSP) TASLY

Did you have any complaint experience such as below :
1. Breathless and difficult to sleep (as catching a cold continually).
2. Often exhausted (not powerful) and sweated cold especially in the head.
3. Staggered, not strong enough to go upstairs.
4. The heart often pounded hard or the pulse suddenly weakened and several times unconscious.
5. The bloated body and The leg feel chilblain because of many liquids and gas in the body.
6. Ears often resounded.
7. Disfunction ereksi (especially for the last year), because of the shortage of the blood circulation and the effect from the use of the medicine for the heart.

If you have 3 experience of the complaints above repeatedly, be careful you involved an affected risk the heart disease!
(the Heart Disease was the killing illness no.1 in the world).

In July 1998, Danshen plus capsule was the success got of the application agreement of New Medicine Investigation (IND) from FDS USA as medicine herbal.
This product was first help medicine that was important for the Chinese Traditional medical treatment hospital in the China country.
The research refers the level of the effectiveness from the capsule of Danshen Plus was 95,3% for tonsillitis medical treatment pectoris (chest pain) and 62,16% for the improvement of results elektro-cardiogram.

Danshen Plus was one of the supreme products from Tasly, that could help launched the circulation of blood, improved the work of the heart, reduced the level of the viscosity of blood, prevented damage of the heart muscle and could help recuperation for the diabetes sufferer (diabetes), hypertension, stroke, etc..

Another reference about DanShenPlus Capsule :
1. In English

Contact person by phone : 08158881687
Contact person by email :

In Indonesia Language see below (Dalam bahasa Indonesia lihat di bawah ini):

Apakah Anda mengalami keluhan seperti dibawah ini :
1. Sesak nafas dan sulit tidur (seperti masuk angin terus menerus).
2. Sering kelelahan (tidak bertenaga) dan berkeringat dingin terutama di kepala.
3. Jalan sempoyongan, tidak kuat naik tangga.
4. Jantung sering berdebar keras atau denyut nadi tiba-tiba melemah dan beberapa kali pingsan.
5. Badan kembung dan kaki terasa bengkak karena banyak cairan dan gas di dalam tubuh.
6. Telinga sering berdengung.
7. Disfungsi ereksi (terutama dalam setahun terakhir), karena kurangnya aliran darah serta efek dari pemakaian obat-obatan untuk jantung.

Jika Anda mengalami 3 dari keluhan di atas secara berulang-ulang, hati-hati Anda beresiko terkena penyakit jantung !(Penyakit jantung adalah penyakit pembunuh no.1 di dunia).

Danshen Plus merupakan salah satu produk unggulan dari Tasly, yang dapat membantu melancarkan peredaran darah, memperbaiki kerja jantung, mengurangi tingkat kekentalan darah, mencegah kerusakan otot jantung dan dapat membantu penyembuhan bagi penderita diabetes (kencing manis), tekanan darah tinggi, kram otot, stroke, dll.

DANSHEN PLUS !! Pada Juli 1998, Kapsul Danshen plus sukses mendapatkan persetujuan aplikasi Investigasi Obat Baru (IND) dari FDS USA sebagai obat herbal. Produk ini merupakan obat pertolongan pertama yang penting untuk rumah sakit pengobatan tradisional Tiongkok di negeri Tiongkok. Penelitian menunjukkan tingkat efektivitas dari kapsul Danshen Plus adalah 95.3% untuk pengobatan angina pectoris (nyeri dada) dan 62.16% untuk perbaikan hasil elektro-kardiogram.

Sebagai referensi lainnya tentang DanShenPlus Capsule :
1. In Indonesia

Contact person by phone : 08158881687
Contact e-mail :

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